Q: How enable multilingual support for the repeater select field of the Advanced Custom Fields plugin?

For example, let’s name the Repeater as "our_tabs", and the sub-field Select as "tab_name".

1. Fill in the attribute "Choices" of the "tab_name" field:

2. To output the attribute value on a page, add to the template the code below (example):

if( have_rows('our_tabs') ):
  while( have_rows('our_tabs') ) : the_row();
    $tab_name = get_sub_field_object('tab_name');
    $tab_name_value = WPGlobus_Core::text_filter( $tab_name['value'], WPGlobus::Config()->language );
    // To get the `$tab_name_choice` value in the current language:
    $tab_name_choice = $tab_name['choices'][$tab_name_value] = 
       WPGlobus_Core::text_filter( $tab_name['choices'][$tab_name_value],
         WPGlobus::Config()->language );
    // To output the `$tab_name_choice` value in the current language:
    echo $tab_name_choice;

Or use the code example from