The “Hueman” is one of the well-written free WordPress themes. We’ve never had any problems with it until we decided to activate the recommended “Hueman Addons” plugin. The very first thing we’ve noticed was a broken site title. It was showing the infamous { :en}...{ :}.

Below is the quick-and-dirty patch we’ve made to the site.

In the functions.php or in any similar place, redefine the Hueman’s function that displays the title.

The original function is:

function hu_render_blog_description() {
    echo bloginfo( 'description' );

Never mind the echo here, it’s just the Hueman author’s typo :)

The new function to place in the functions.php is:

if ( class_exists( 'HU_AD' ) ) :
    * Fix the site title if the `hueman-addons` plugin is active.
    function hu_render_blog_description() {
        echo WPGlobus_Core::text_filter( get_bloginfo( 'description', 'display' ) );

That’s all. Should have the title fixed.

If you have problems running WPGlobus with WordPress themes always tell the theme authors. They are good folks and ready to help. And – let us know, too!

The WPGlobus Team, at your service!